You Need To Know
Index of Available Information:
The Truth:
Sample Information: Final National Academy of Science Report, the National Research Council's report - Higher Water Levels Not Needed for Klamath Basin Fish, a report by Biologist Dave Vogel titled Salmon Rearing Habitats in the Main Stem Klamath River and a 2003 National Resources Inventory on Land Use. We have links to Range Magazine's Special Report on "Water In The West" and Michael Crichton's speech on "Environmentalism as a Religion" and much more. Click on the link above.
Mandatory Reading & Knowledge: Articles by Jim Beers, Walter E. Williams, Alan Caruba, Joyce Morrison, Sen. Wayne Allard, Derry Brownfield, Henry Lamb, National Geographic, WaterWatch, and the California Farm Bureau plus much more.
Mandatory Reading & Knowledge #2:
The first index of important news you need to read has gotten too big so we've added a second index to help you find newer articles. It starts the first of November, 2008
Mandatory Reading & Knowledge #3:
The first and second indexes of important news you need to read has gotten too big so we've added a third index to help you find newer articles. It starts the first of January , 2013
A History of the Klamath Water Crisis:
The Klamath Basin Water Crisis didn't start on April 6, 2001 and it still continues today. How'd we get there and what happened that fateful summer - articles, eye witness accounts, photos - you'll fine it all here.
What's Happened Since 2001, The Water Crisis Continues:
What's happening now in the continuing Klamath story? This index has day to day news of the continuing battle for farming and ranching in the Klamath Project. (We've moved most of the 2002 - 2006 newspaper article links to this index from the History index.)
2007 - The Klamath Basin Water Crisis Continues:
Your up-to-date news source for what's happening concerning farming and ranching in the Upper Klamath Basin.
2008 - The Klamath Basin Water Crisis Continues:
Seven years after the Klamath Basin Water Crisis started in 2001, the battle to keep farming and ranching viable in the Upper Klamath Basin continues.
2009 - The Klamath Basin Water Crisis Continues:
Eight years and counting. What lies ahead for the farmers and ranchers in the Klamath River Basin? Will the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement be ratified? Will the four PacifiCorp dams on the Klamath River be removed. These are the questions this index may answer.
2010 - The Klamath Basin Water Crisis Continues:
2010 will probably be the year that most of the Klamath River Basin environmental water
problems could be solved if the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement is signed and Federal and State Legislation is passed to make it the law of the land.
2011 - The Klamath Basin Water Crisis Continues:
2011 will continue the Klamath River Basin environmental water problems and the possible implementation of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement and the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement
2012 - The Klamath Basin Water Crisis Continues:
2012 could end up being the year that the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement legislation is passed and funded by Congress - or it could be defeated completely. In March, Department of the Interior Commissioner Ken Salazar will be making the final determination on removing the four main dams on the Klamath River and implement the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement.
2013 - The Klamath Basin Water Crisis Continues:
2013 started out with low Upper Klamath Lake levels and a worry about irrigation supplies during the summer. The Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement was extended two years because it was exposed to expire on December 31, 2012.
This page is full of historic information about the Klamath Project. There's a link to the Reclamation Act/Newlands Act of 1902, a 1903 USGS Map of the Upper Klamath Basin, the Klamath River Basin Compact, and links to John C. Boyle's book 50 Years on the Klamath. You'll find many historic photos taken during the building of the Klamath Project plus much more.
This is your main source for links to the Bureau of Reclamation Mid-Pacific Region - Klamath Basin Area Office website and quick links to information found there. You'll also find maps of the Klamath Project and irrigation districts, yearly operations plans, and a link to the Bureau's Undepleted Natural Flow Study
Miscellaneous Basin Information:
This section is misstated; there is nothing miscellaneous about the information contained in this section. You'll find all kinds of interesting information here. The Klamath River Basin Fisheries Restoration Program, the Trinity River Restoration Program, notes from the Klamath Watershed Conference held February 2004, information on Conservation Easements and water banks. Check this section out! You don't know what you're missing.
Links to the testimony of Dave Vogel, Klamath County Commissioner Steve West, Klamath Irrigation District Manager Dave Solem, business owner Bob Gasser and farmer John Crawford; PCFFA member "Zeke" Grader, Klamath Tribal Chairman Allen Foreman, Yurok Tribe Executive Director Troy Fletcher, and Principal of Tulelake High School Sharron Molder plus more.
The Lost River and shortnose suckers:
Here you'll find almost everything you've ever wanted to know about the two endangered suckers that inhabit the Upper Klamath Basin. Species profiles, distribution, Biological Assessments, the Recovery Plan, and delisting information.
Links to NOAA/NMFS information on the coho salmon including the Biological Opinion, hatchery records, the Oregon Plan for Coastal Salmon, and information about the Alsea Valley Alliance v. Donald Evans decision and new information on how NOAA is planning on dealing with this court case plus more scientific reports.
The Bull Trout - another endangered species that inhabits the upper watershed of the Klamath Basin. Find links to the USF&WS 1998 Biological Opinion and Draft Recovery Plan plus economic information about this listing
Since January of 2005, we've been posting USGS elevation graphs for Upper Klamath Lake on the home page. Recently, we were asked to include Weekly USGS Flow Graphs from the headwaters to the ocean for the entire Klamath River Basin. Here you'll find all the compiled information plus new weekly graphs.
GAO Reports, links to USF&WS and NOAA/NMFS Endangered Species websites, House and Senate bills to amend the act, and links to the Chairman of the House Resource Committee - Richard Pombo.
Wolves have been in Oregon for several years now and farmers and ranchers have worried about their livestock after learning what they have done in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. In 2011 a young male left the NE Oregon Imnaha pack and traveled over 700 miles to Klamath County. Because there has been so much news about wolves in Oregon, we've removed all these articles from
Mandatory Reading & Knowledge #2
and given them their own index .
Testimony Before the House Resource Committee and Sub Committee's On Reforming the Endangered Species Act and Other Matters: B
ecause the Endangered Species Act affects the entire nation, this section contains links to sites on the House Resource Committee's website that provides links to individuals testimony before the Committee and Sub-Committee's that concerns new House Legislation and testimony about the affects the 30-year old ESA has had on certain communities.
Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Field Oversight Hearing on Endangered Species Act August 23, 2004 In Casper, Wyoming:
The United States Senate is also concerned about Endangered Species and the 1973 Act that protects them. Here you'll find links to the opening statement of Senator Craig Thomas of Wyoming and the testimony from all who were invited to address the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
Let's Blame the Klamath Project:
Newspaper reporters like to repeat what they call the truth when in fact, all they report are distortions and half truths. This section contains numerous newspaper articles that point the finger of blame to the farmers and ranchers in the Klamath Project for everything that goes wrong down river. We've posted a few responses to these negative articles.
Klamath Project Farmers and West Coast Fishermen - salmon or other ocean bounty natural resource - are not enemies contrary to what the Environmental Coalition wants everyone to believe. Here you will find information about a lawsuit filed June 3, 2005 by the Pacific Legal Foundation on behalf of the Oregon Trollers Association and others against the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) arguing that the agency’s decision to slash the 2005 commercial trolling chinook salmon fishing season by more than half violated federal law. Here you'll also find information and articles about how the Klamath Project Farmers and the Oregon Trollers are working together to keep water and fish in the rivers.
PacifiCorp Klamath River Relicensing And Possible Dam Removal:
Here you'll find links to PacifiCorp's main Klamath River dam relicensing site and their technical, study plans, resource reports, and final license application. This index started out to be just about the FERC re-licensing of the four PacifiCorp dams located on the Klamath River. Because of the concerns by environmentalists and downstream Tribal groups that the dams are a major cause of low salmon returns and the fact that some of the same groups are pushing for the removal of some of the Columbia and Snake River dams; this index has evolved into the dam vs. fish issue.
Klamath Irrigators "Taking" Suit in the U. S. Federal Court of Claims:
Here you'll find links to the Klamath Irrigation District, et al., vs United States of America legal documents. Find the original complaint filed on October 11, 2001, the January 2003 Amended Complaint for Just Compensation and Damages, briefs filed by the defendant, and Amicus Curiae "Friend of the Court" Briefs and Motions. We will also post the Federal Court of Claims final verdict when it becomes available. What you will not find is the original reply by defendant - United States of America - to the Klamath irrigators first complaint. It is not available in electronic form as yet - we are working to get it posted soon.
Klamath Irrigation District Public Board Meeting Notes:
At this link you find the monthly Klamath Irrigation District Board meeting minutes and notes starting from November of 2001.
Though there are other scientific reports scattered among the other sections, this is where you need to come for government reports on hydrologic conditions in the Klamath River before the September 2002 fish die-off, Klamath River temperature monitoring, and links to the results from the Upper Klamath Basin Science Workshop plus more.
Klamath River Basin Water Quality Data:
Water quality in the Upper Klamath Basin is important for all human and wildlife that live here and further down stream in the Klamath River. In this section you'll find many state and federal DEQ scientific reports on nutrient loading, eutrophication, Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and much more.
Keeping instream flows up for down stream salmon is important to the farmers and ranchers in the Upper Klamath Basin. Here you'll find links to USGS Real Time Flow Gauges, the Klamath Basin Water Supply Enhancement Act, the Bureau of Reclamation's Undepleted Natural Flow Study, and the Hardy Phase I Report and draft Hardy Phase II report.
Klamath Basin Wetland Restoration:
Wetland Restoration in the Upper Klamath Basin is an ongoing project being carried out by private landowners, government agencies, and environmental groups. We have links to information about the Wood River Ranch, the Sycan Marsh, USF&WS restoration projects, and a summary of recent and proposed restoration and water conservation efforts undertaken by Basin landowners. We also have links to the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuges plus more.
Klamath Basin Water Adjudication:
Water rights in the Upper Klamath Basin are going through the Oregon State Water Adjudication process. Links are provided to the main Oregon Water Resource Department's website on adjudication and we've provided a link to Oregon Water Rights.
The Klamath Tribes (Klamath, Modoc, and the Yahooskin Band of Snake Indians):
Links to historical information, Tribal Society, the 1864 Treaty, the Reservation, Termination, Economic Self-Sufficiency, U.S. v Adair, Tribal Trust, and much more.
The NW California Tribes (Yurok, Hoopa [Hupa], Karuk):
Tribes remaining today in NW California are the Karuk, Hoopa (Hupa), and Yurok. While sharing a similar cultural framework, each of these Tribes had a wholly distinct Tribal language. The Yurok lived along the coast and up the Klamath River, extending about 45 miles and somewhat past the junction with the Trinity River as well as a short distance south along the Trinity. The Karuk lived on Klamath above Yurok territory further up river to beyond Happy Camp, and along the Salmon River; the Hoopa (Hupa) inhabited the Trinity.
Court Decisions and 60-day Letter Notices to Sue:
A coalition of environmental groups has filed many lawsuits against the US government and other stakeholders in the Klamath Basin.
Links to GAO Reports, House and Senate bills to establish an Invasive Species Act, and many articles written by Jim Beers about what this new invasion of our private property rights will do to all American's.
One of the biggest threats to the sovereignty of the United States of America and our constitution is the implantation of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America which will cause Canada, the United States and Mexico to be combined into the North American Union along the lines of the European Union. At this index, you'll find articles written by Jerome R. Corsi, Henry Lamb, Tom DeWeese, Patrick Wood, Senator Ron Paul, and many others.
The Wildlands Project, Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, and Smart Growth:
What is the Wildlands Project? This is your information headquarters! We've got links to Range Magazine's Special Report on the Wildlands Project, HR 652 and other bills which will make the Wildlands Project an official government policy, Judy Keeler's extensive 13 part report on The Wildlands Project Comes to Hidalgo County, and a US map of the Wildlands Project and Biodiversity Corridors that includes Southern Oregon and Northern California.
What really is Sustainable Development and Smart Growth? Check out this section to find out what these two United Nation programs are all about. Is there really a United Nations program called "Agenda 21"?
Search for: The Klamath Bucket Brigade provides links to sites maintained by other organizations for informational purposes only. The Klamath Bucket Brigade has no responsibility for the accuracy of the content of any Website to which a link is provided. The groups included on the list do not necessarily reflect the views of the Klamath Bucket Brigade.
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FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, sustainable development, democracy, public disclosure, and social justice issues, etc. We have included the full text of the article rather than a simple link because we have found that links frequently go "bad" or change over time. We believe this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without fee or payment of any kind to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.
Comment: All content copyright Klamath Bucket Brigade 2003 - 2013.
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